For those of you who don’t know, I took a trip to Las Vegas, NV to attend an email marketing summit for work. So Monday after work, Tom (my boss) and I boarded a plane and arrived safely in Las Vegas. As the plane was nearing the airport, there was one thing I noticed outside the window. The lights of the city seemed to never end. They just kept going and going and going, out till it reached the horizon and I couldn’t see anymore. Was a spectacular view from above. When we got off the plane and entered the terminal so that we could find transportation from the airport to our hotel, Harrah’s, I noticed something else that I hadn’t seen before. It was like the airport, in itself, was it’s own mini casino. There were slot machines placed throughout the terminal. Because we all know that after a three hour flight, that’s all we want to do is gamble. That’s when I first noticed how deep the seeds of sin had gone in this city.
I’m not saying that all the people here are evil, or all the acts that go on here are evil, I do believe there are genuine believers here who seek to make disciples of all the world (Including their own backyard). But Satan for sure has enjoyed luring people into such deep sin, that they don’t even recognize any of it as bad, or wrong. They’re so blinded by the artificial entertainment of the sinful world. Full of it’s instant pleasure that doesn’t last.
Anyway, we found ground transportation and headed to our hotel. As we ventured into the city, I saw lights everywhere. From hotels, from Casinos, from billboards, and other buildings. It was so colorful, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from it all. I can see why people are drawn in, and the feeling of wanting to be a part of something bigger, is a big draw-in for this city. Even if that “something bigger” is something that’s not good at all. So much spiritual darkness, but a totally different kind than I experienced in India. Like a different flavor that was directly triggered to draw in people from our culture.
We arrived safely at our hotel at around 9:30PM (11:30PM Central time) and discovered we were starving. So, as we made our way choking and holding our breath through the smoke and alcohol filled casino that consumed the lower level of our hotel, we stopped by our rooms on the third floor of the Mardi Gras Tower of the Harrah’z Las Vegas, and headed to find food in the hotel. We ended up at KGB (a burger place) where we were seated at a booth by a lady dressed in way too little clothes (her uniform) and we ordered some food. I felt bad for this lady because I could tell she was not well. Sin was thick in her life, and I could see she had an eating disorder. I began to wonder what in her life had taken her where she was that day. Who in her life told her she is not beautiful, and needed to strive to find love and affection by trying to make herself “more attractive”? So I started praying for her. And all the other waitresses at that restaurant. Not to mention the waiters as well (I’ll discuss them in Day 2 though). After dinner, Tom and I were totally drained and headed back to our hotel rooms and went to bed.
The hotel room I am staying in has a gigantic king sized bed (very comfy), the room is rather cozy, but the walls are really thin. So I had a hard time sleeping as I heard drunk people in the rooms adjacent to mine, and as they fumbled with the keys for their doors. Eventually I got to sleep and so ends day 1 of my journey in Las Vegas.

Stay tuned for Day 2, which I will work on shortly.🙂

Source: Las Vegas: From Where I was Standing (day 1)

What exactly is it? I know it’s been referenced in many conversations as something that’s not supposed to be done… but what’s the definition? says it is “idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others” or “light, familiar talk or writing”. So, would talking about how proud I am of my brother’s maturity in the Lord, and how much I miss him, and am praying for him, be gossip? Or what about when parents are talking about their children to others, “oh, Billy did the cutest thing today, blah blah blah…”. Would that be gossip? Anyway… just a thought that came to mind today. Because I know I talk about those I care about all the time. But I can’t help but wonder where that fine line resides between gossip, and not gossip… I shall ponder this subject more.🙂

Source: Gossip? Or not?

Actually, He’s got my everything. My hands as He leads me day to day, my heart as He is all I want, my thoughts because I give them all to Him, my praise because He alone is worthy.

Recently I heard a message from Auntie Gisela. She is K.P. Yohannan’s wife, and every third thursday of the month we have a GFA ladies meeting where she will share a message with us. This month’s title was “The Gospel is Good News”. It’s good news for all who receive it. Even though times will get tough, God can handle it and will dust us off again. Nothing is too impossible for God.

God knows. So why worry? I’ve struggled with depression for a very long time, and until just recently, I had a hard time combating it and refocusing on the Lord. It finally clicked during ladies meeting, that whatever I entertain in my thoughts, or in my heart will bear fruit. So if I dwell on those thoughts and feelings of depression, it will bear fruit and make me useless in reaching the lost in Asia. So in order to protect my call, I need to not think on those things. Just like in Philippians 4, where Paul says “whatever things are true, whatever things [are] noble, whatever things [are] just, whatever things [are] pure, whatever things [are] lovely, whatever things [are] of good report, if [there is] any virtue and if [there is] anything praiseworthy–meditate on these things.” (NKJV)
So if I immediately combat all those negative thoughts that I am worth nothing, that God doesn’t care about my desires, that there’s no point in me doing what I do because it’s all worthless, with the TRUTH that the Lord clearly lays out in His word for me, for this exact purpose, then I don’t have to worry about depression.
Yes, it is hard to do. It’s so easy to entertain those thoughts. But I will NOT allow the enemy to get a foothold on my any longer. God loves me, He sent His Son to DIE for me, He rose again conquering death so that I may have a chance to live forever in His presence, and He is continuing to renew and transform me into His image. Who can be depressed when they can understand and grasp the depth of God’s unfailing love for them?
There is joy in the Lord. A Joy that will never fail. A Joy fed from His Spirit living in me. Even in times of trial and darkness, His joy is there to shine through me. And I’m happy about that. I am content in the Lord.

Anyway… that was my quick update of where my thoughts are at the moment. Hope it was a blessing to you! Remember that God knows what’s best for you. He knew it before you were born, and He knows how best to fulfill His plan in your life. So trust Him, and don’t worry.🙂

Source: God’s Got my Back

So, I was going down memory lane, like I often enjoy doing, and I came across the music videos that my roommates and I made back when I was in the School of Discipleship with Gospel for Asia. So I thought I’d share them with you. Enjoy!

Make a Man:

This was made in the first month of the Bonsai girls being together. We bonded quickly.🙂

Don’t Be Shy:

Our second Bonsai House Production

New Shoes:

Our third Bonsai Production

Free to be Me:

We created this for the talent show during our year

AND FINALLY (there were more after this, but they weren’t music videos persay)

This was our end of year, graduation production.🙂

Source: Music Videos


p>Fun with my new Camera

I’m enjoying playing with the old lens I had for my film camera, on my digital SLR. Gives a whole new perspective to the world I see and adds more depth and personality to the photos I take. I’ll add a few more photos to this post as I go through the many that I took. Enjoy!

Click to view slideshow.

Source: Fun with my new Camera

At a recent prayer meeting, Danny talked about how important it is to keep your camera lens clean. If it’s not cleaned regularly, then dirt, dust, and sometimes even fungus can get in the camera or lens and ruin any chance of taking a nice photo. This all is a representative of a bigger picture. We are supposed to keep our hearts, minds, and eyes clean so that we can clearly reflect God’s nature to those around us.
So often Christ is misrepresented by those who claim to be Believers, but lie, steal and destroy those around them. Clearly they are not “loving one another” as Christ commanded us to do. Now, I’m not writing this to judge them, or knock them down in any way. Because how often do we, ourselves misrepresent the Lord to those around us?
Maybe we are frustrated in traffic at the person who isn’t turning fast enough. Or the person in the grocery store took the last item off the shelf that you needed for dinner that night. Or maybe you are tired and exhausted, and get impatient with those around you. I know I struggle a lot with those simple things. But doesn’t God say in John 13:35 “by this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
A good test of this happened not too long ago for me. I had the privilege to travel up to Pennsylvania, with my best friend Katie, to spend a few days at Christmas with my amazing family. I was so excited, yet so nervous at the same time. I’m not sure why I was nervous, they’re my family and I love them dearly. But it had been a year since I had seen most of them, and I knew I had missed a lot. Would I be able to just fit in like normal? Would they notice any growth that the Lord had done in my life? Would I be able to love them like Christ loves them, and be a good representation of Christ to them?
As the days flew by, I could feel my energy draining. By the time I was boarding the plane with Katie, I had just come off a very busy week at work. I was emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. I wasn’t sure I would have enough energy or enthusiasm left to give everyone attention when they came over. The only thing left for me to do was pray. Pray that the Lord would use me, despite my inability to give anything.
As I arrived, I felt like I was a visitor. I love my Mommy, my brother, and the rest of my family and friends. But I knew that I didn’t “belong” in PA anymore. No matter how much I may think about how things “might have turned out”, what I could be doing, who I might be hanging out with. It was like God confirmed to me, yet again, that He called me to Gospel for Asia, and that no matter how hard things may get, He will use me as I remain faithful to Him in Texas.
The days flew by as we moved from the open house on Friday, to Christmas Eve celebrations on Saturday, Christmas on Sunday, and then last minute things on Monday. Each day, God filled me with His Spirit. His patience. His love. It was like, even though I had nothing left to give, all God needed was a willing heart. A willing heart that allowed Him to clearly reflect His glorious, and awe-inspiring nature, to those who gathered around. I was able to play with my cousins, and not be frustrated with them, but enjoy every moment spent with them. To talk with relatives and boldly share what the Lord is doing in my life, and share possible plans for the future. To laugh and worship with friends, without being shy or nervous about who the Lord has transformed me into in the past year. To spend time with my mommy, brother, and Katie and not be worried or flustered with all the chaos of preparing for people to come over. And as silly as it seems, it was enjoyable to spend time playing with my mom’s dog Sawyer, and her new puppy Finn, even when Finn would try to escape in the yard.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, no matter how tired you may be, always keep your camera lens clean. Allow God to work through your life to those who might be around. Ask the Lord to make you a clear reflection of His magnificent glory. Thanks for reading, I’m praying for each of you. God Bless!

Source: Keeping Your Lens Clean for Christmas


p>Christmas Gifts

I love opening gifts super slow. It not only makes me excited to find out what it is, but I like the look on the gifter’s face as they wait in anticipation for me to finally open their carefully thought out, and wrapped gift. It reminds me of how we should be eager to open the free gift that Jesus offers. Salvation to all those who believe.

Source: Christmas Gifts

Welcome back soldier. Here are some things you need to know about this war that we are in the middle of:

1) Your greatest weapon is prayer. When you see a downpour of fiery darts headed for you, get on your knees and ask the King to protect you. You’ll be surprised the countless times that He will willingly, without hesitation, throw Himself in the line of fire for you, leaving you unscathed.

2) Remember the battle is already won by the King, the enemy is just a sore loser and wants us to forget all that the King has done for us.

3) You have an equally important weapon. Your Sword. No matter how matted and dirty it may get, the blade is sharper than any weapon you have ever laid eyes on, and will remain that way. Never let it leave your sight. Not only is it your sword, but it is an instruction manual for anything you need to know or are confused about. Ask the King to explain it to you, and He will.

4) The King is the most patient, gracious, loving, and compassionate King you will ever encounter. Never turn your eyes from Him and you will do jut fine. I encourage you, young soldier, to learn more about Him and do what He does.

5) Don’t give up! There are many of us in this unit. Each of us are in it together. No matter how rough this terrain will get, we are here to pull each other through. No soldier is left behind.

6) Don’t get involved in civilian affairs. It is only a distraction. They won’t understand what the battle is like, but will want you to join them in everything you can imagine. Don’t get distracted. Keep your focus on the King and you’ll do just fine. Maybe, through your faith and trust in the King, others will join with us in the battle.

7) Never lose your tags. They are why you were called to the battle, why the King chose you, and they contain the call for the remainder of your life.

8) The King is always there for you. He isn’t afraid of your filth, He knew what He was getting Himself in by calling you to be a part of His inheritance, yet He still called you. He will be there to wipe away your tears, He is there to pick you back up when you fall, He will ALWAYS be there. Trust Him.

9) Don’t forget what you will learn along the way. Don’t forget what the King has brought you from.

10) Love those around you. Remember we’re all in it together. We each have our fiery darts, temptations, and storms to go through.

11) Keep moving forward towards the King. You’ll learn more as you go.

12) If it gets too dark to see in front of you, drop on your knees and call out for the King. He will shed light on the situation.

13) Look forward to the Kingdom.


Lately the battle has been very rough for me. And it helps to remember that we are soldiers in a battle. We can’t see the enemy, but he sure has had time to study humans, he knows how to trick us into believing lies. BUT WE ARE VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST. Katie and I were talking about how in our group of friends, we are all battle-weary. But we are there to help each other. Lifting each other from the pits we fall in. Throwing ourselves in the line of fire when they are too tired to move on. Praying with each other. Reminding each other of the reason we are in this battle. There are millions out there who have NO CLUE that Jesus loves them, wants them as part of His family, Our family. Anyway… just wanted to share this.🙂

Source: We’re in a Battle

First, I’d like to mention how surprised I am that Christmas is this weekend. I don’t think it has ever crept up on me this fast and this suddenly before. But I’m looking forward to taking a breather, taking my best friend Katie, and hitting the road (or in this case the air, since we’re flying), and visiting good ol’ Pennsylvania for Christmas! I am praying for snow, even though the weather forecast is predicting rain and sun… but God can change that! A White Christmas would be a superb way to spend a holiday with family.🙂

As we prepare to abandon ship for a few days, there is much to do. Bags to pack, gifts to wrap, details to nail down, living arrangements to finalize, etc. I know God has it all under control, but it sure is rather stressful. But I am reminded of Philippians 4:6-9. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. That the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus forever.”

Praying you all don’t forget the reason of the season! Check out the sermon from The Village Church that we heard this sunday at Church. (it may be a few days till it is available online, but it is amazing!)

Source: I’ll be Home for Christmas

I’m the kind of person who likes to have a plan. To know what will happen, what has happened, and what is happening. This makes me rather impatient and is quite stressful at times. I like to be in control, but that is not always the situation. I’m learning to be flexible, to go with the flow. I love spontaneity, when I’m the one that sparks it, or if I’m in a chill mood. Knowing what will happen in my future, who will be involved, and how it will occur, in the exact timeframe it’ll unfold… That’s where I get hung up.

At those moments I am reminded of the Lord. That He knows my past, my present, my future. He knew it all before I was even formed in my mothers womb. He knows how it will all unfold. I want desperately to live out His will for my life, to not fudge is up by trying to seize hold of the circumstances and weasel my way into manipulating things how I think they should happen. I’m learning to let go of my wants, my desires. To let the Lord orchestrate my life. He knows my deepest wants and desires, and He knows what is best for my life. I need to be content with that.

I don’t need to know what is going to happen, or how it will happen, but only to remain content in every circumstance as the Lord does what is best for me. I don’t need to be selfish and want what others have for myself, because obviously, that is not what is best for me, otherwise the Lord would be doing that in my life as well. I don’t have to know it all. And I’m okay with that. Finally.


Lately I have been praying for patience. Not just with others, but with myself and with the Lord. Patience as the Lord teaches me the balance between sitting on the edge of my seat, ready to jump up to do whatever it is the Lord asks me to do; and not sitting on the edge of my seat, but reclining back, taking in each moment, waiting, and meditating on the Lord as he works in my life. I tend to be a radical person by nature. Either I’m all in, or I’m not. But I know there is a balance. And I know that I will find that balance as I pursue the Lord and grow in a deeper relationship with Him. Everything flows from that single task. Seeking the Lord, growing in Him, and applying all that He is teaching me, how He asks me to apply it. If I make that my goal, then everything else will follow.


Anyway, that’s my thoughts as of late. To be content in all circumstances that the Lord orchestrates, not trying to manipulate, but allowing myself to be molded more into the image of Christ as I submit to His ultimate will.

Sorry if this doesn’t all make sense. If you’d like to know more about how I came to this conclusion, I would be more than happy to share with you.

Source: Being Content in the Lord