We’re in a Battle

Welcome back soldier. Here are some things you need to know about this war that we are in the middle of:

1) Your greatest weapon is prayer. When you see a downpour of fiery darts headed for you, get on your knees and ask the King to protect you. You’ll be surprised the countless times that He will willingly, without hesitation, throw Himself in the line of fire for you, leaving you unscathed.

2) Remember the battle is already won by the King, the enemy is just a sore loser and wants us to forget all that the King has done for us.

3) You have an equally important weapon. Your Sword. No matter how matted and dirty it may get, the blade is sharper than any weapon you have ever laid eyes on, and will remain that way. Never let it leave your sight. Not only is it your sword, but it is an instruction manual for anything you need to know or are confused about. Ask the King to explain it to you, and He will.

4) The King is the most patient, gracious, loving, and compassionate King you will ever encounter. Never turn your eyes from Him and you will do jut fine. I encourage you, young soldier, to learn more about Him and do what He does.

5) Don’t give up! There are many of us in this unit. Each of us are in it together. No matter how rough this terrain will get, we are here to pull each other through. No soldier is left behind.

6) Don’t get involved in civilian affairs. It is only a distraction. They won’t understand what the battle is like, but will want you to join them in everything you can imagine. Don’t get distracted. Keep your focus on the King and you’ll do just fine. Maybe, through your faith and trust in the King, others will join with us in the battle.

7) Never lose your tags. They are why you were called to the battle, why the King chose you, and they contain the call for the remainder of your life.

8) The King is always there for you. He isn’t afraid of your filth, He knew what He was getting Himself in by calling you to be a part of His inheritance, yet He still called you. He will be there to wipe away your tears, He is there to pick you back up when you fall, He will ALWAYS be there. Trust Him.

9) Don’t forget what you will learn along the way. Don’t forget what the King has brought you from.

10) Love those around you. Remember we’re all in it together. We each have our fiery darts, temptations, and storms to go through.

11) Keep moving forward towards the King. You’ll learn more as you go.

12) If it gets too dark to see in front of you, drop on your knees and call out for the King. He will shed light on the situation.

13) Look forward to the Kingdom.


Lately the battle has been very rough for me. And it helps to remember that we are soldiers in a battle. We can’t see the enemy, but he sure has had time to study humans, he knows how to trick us into believing lies. BUT WE ARE VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST. Katie and I were talking about how in our group of friends, we are all battle-weary. But we are there to help each other. Lifting each other from the pits we fall in. Throwing ourselves in the line of fire when they are too tired to move on. Praying with each other. Reminding each other of the reason we are in this battle. There are millions out there who have NO CLUE that Jesus loves them, wants them as part of His family, Our family. Anyway… just wanted to share this.🙂

Source: We’re in a Battle