“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” – John 13:35

Love for one another. It sounds like an easy task, especially if you are in a good mood, the person you are with doesn’t annoy you, and things are going as planned. However, we are not always in the best of moods, maybe the person you are with rubs you the wrong way, and the circumstances you find yourself in may be chaotic. How do you love someone then?

Lately I’ve been learning how to love people when I don’t feel like it, or would rather be alone. See, Christ asks us to sacrifice ourselves, and serve others in His name. If I am loving others with HIS love, then He will continue to replenish it, and as I continue to pursue Him, His love will automatically flow to others.

Love is not a feeling that comes and goes, it is a way of life, a choice. I certainly don’t “feel” like loving my enemies, but the Lord says to do so. It isn’t easy, but it is a commitment. It’s a full time job to love others, finding ways to serve them, listening when they

need an ear, not avoiding them when you want alone time.

It is a hard lesson to learn, but I’m finding that when I choose to allow the Lord to love others through me, even when I don’t feel like it, it’s rewarding to see the other person smile. Sometimes they won’t even know it’s you that wrote that note, that you did the dishes because you know it’s less stressful for that person to live in a clean apartment. But really, we don’t perform acts of love for ourselves to get praise, we do it so that the Lord can love others and receive all the glory.

Anyways, thank you for listening. I am still in the process of learning this lesson, and am finding that unity between the Body of Christ is much more appealing than the separation that occurs from unbroken people.

Please pray for me that I don’t let my own selfishness get in the way of loving my brothers and sisters, my family, friends, and those around me. I will be praying for you too.

Source: Love One Another – John 13:35

Today was not the official start of the sessions, but there was registration, the setting up of the GFA booth, conversations with passersby, and dinner followed by a keynote speaker.

It started off a very nice day (ended that way too) with sleeping in and waking up feeling rested after a night of some bizarre dreams that were kinda sad. We got dressed and then i ate a banana and some pineapple for breakfast then joined Sara and Rachael in a hotel restaurant for breakfast.
After breakfast Rachael went to CVS to get some supplies because her bag is lost somewhere in an airport in some location between here and DFW. Sara and I went off in search of our booth location and boxes of supplies. We discovered our booth tucked in the waaaaay back coridor with a few other ministries. After setting up a rather nice display, rachael and I registered ourselves and recieved Gigantic goodie bags full of free stuff. Not sure how we will get it all back to Texas though…
Sara then took Rachael to Target to get some clothes since Rachaels are lost in limbo, leaving me to my self manning the booth. Was great! Met some really cool people and had good conversations. They eventually came back with a smoothie for me!
Then was dinner. I couldnt eat most of it so i stuck to green beans and water. After dinner the guy who created Veggietales and Whats in the Bible spoke an amazing message on surrendering your dreams to God because He knows best and should be first. Then a keynote speaker talked about juggling life and a blog, not spending too much time on your computer that you miss the lives of people around you.
After that we headed back to our rooms and on the way saw two ladies dressed ib rennaisance dresses just because they like to dress up, they tried to get Sara involved too.
Once back in our rooms, i had some great bonding time with Sara. After talking for a bit we decided to go downstairs and mingle with people. There i ran into a supporter of mine from church, and another lady who used to go to my church! Small world right? I hope to catch up with them tomorrow when im a bit more coherent and awake.
Now its bed time and tomorrow will be full of learning and running a booth!🙂 night!






Source: Allume Conference Day 1


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Source: Change the World as the Body of Christ