This Christmas was a memerable one spent with my friends and ‘family’ in Texas. Yes, I missed my family in PA, but as far as Christmases go, I would say this hits the top 10.

There was time for our friend group to exchange gifts and fellowship over wonderful baked goods. The first snow of the year occured on Christmas afternoon, blessing us with a white Texas Christmas. Fun gifts were recieved and given. The Christmas story was told starting in John 18 when Jesus shares in His own words why He was born, and then continued in Matthew where He was born in a manger. Games were played, memories were made, families missed but since we are blessed with Skype we were able to see them and smile and spread love, a sleep over occurred, and Jesus was glorified.

Below are a few pictures from my iPhone of some of the festivities. If you want to see more legit ones, check out my Facebook sometime soon, I will be uploading them tomorrow.🙂

Merry Christmas! Cant believe how fast it came and was gone, and how fast this whole year of 2012 flew by.











Source: A White Christmas in Texas

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” – John 13:35

Love for one another. It sounds like an easy task, especially if you are in a good mood, the person you are with doesn’t annoy you, and things are going as planned. However, we are not always in the best of moods, maybe the person you are with rubs you the wrong way, and the circumstances you find yourself in may be chaotic. How do you love someone then?

Lately I’ve been learning how to love people when I don’t feel like it, or would rather be alone. See, Christ asks us to sacrifice ourselves, and serve others in His name. If I am loving others with HIS love, then He will continue to replenish it, and as I continue to pursue Him, His love will automatically flow to others.

Love is not a feeling that comes and goes, it is a way of life, a choice. I certainly don’t “feel” like loving my enemies, but the Lord says to do so. It isn’t easy, but it is a commitment. It’s a full time job to love others, finding ways to serve them, listening when they

need an ear, not avoiding them when you want alone time.

It is a hard lesson to learn, but I’m finding that when I choose to allow the Lord to love others through me, even when I don’t feel like it, it’s rewarding to see the other person smile. Sometimes they won’t even know it’s you that wrote that note, that you did the dishes because you know it’s less stressful for that person to live in a clean apartment. But really, we don’t perform acts of love for ourselves to get praise, we do it so that the Lord can love others and receive all the glory.

Anyways, thank you for listening. I am still in the process of learning this lesson, and am finding that unity between the Body of Christ is much more appealing than the separation that occurs from unbroken people.

Please pray for me that I don’t let my own selfishness get in the way of loving my brothers and sisters, my family, friends, and those around me. I will be praying for you too.

Source: Love One Another – John 13:35

Today was not the official start of the sessions, but there was registration, the setting up of the GFA booth, conversations with passersby, and dinner followed by a keynote speaker.

It started off a very nice day (ended that way too) with sleeping in and waking up feeling rested after a night of some bizarre dreams that were kinda sad. We got dressed and then i ate a banana and some pineapple for breakfast then joined Sara and Rachael in a hotel restaurant for breakfast.
After breakfast Rachael went to CVS to get some supplies because her bag is lost somewhere in an airport in some location between here and DFW. Sara and I went off in search of our booth location and boxes of supplies. We discovered our booth tucked in the waaaaay back coridor with a few other ministries. After setting up a rather nice display, rachael and I registered ourselves and recieved Gigantic goodie bags full of free stuff. Not sure how we will get it all back to Texas though…
Sara then took Rachael to Target to get some clothes since Rachaels are lost in limbo, leaving me to my self manning the booth. Was great! Met some really cool people and had good conversations. They eventually came back with a smoothie for me!
Then was dinner. I couldnt eat most of it so i stuck to green beans and water. After dinner the guy who created Veggietales and Whats in the Bible spoke an amazing message on surrendering your dreams to God because He knows best and should be first. Then a keynote speaker talked about juggling life and a blog, not spending too much time on your computer that you miss the lives of people around you.
After that we headed back to our rooms and on the way saw two ladies dressed ib rennaisance dresses just because they like to dress up, they tried to get Sara involved too.
Once back in our rooms, i had some great bonding time with Sara. After talking for a bit we decided to go downstairs and mingle with people. There i ran into a supporter of mine from church, and another lady who used to go to my church! Small world right? I hope to catch up with them tomorrow when im a bit more coherent and awake.
Now its bed time and tomorrow will be full of learning and running a booth!🙂 night!






Source: Allume Conference Day 1


Are you looking for ways to impact the millions in Asia who are hated, abused and have never heard Jesus’ name? Check out Gospel for Asias opportunities to change eternity.

Get involved by:
– Bringing a child the hope of a future
– Spreading the Gospel through dedicated servants of the Lord
– Sharing the ministry with people in your area
– Tranform your walk with the Lord through the School of Discipleship
– Serve alongside the GFA staff
– Blog for Asia through our Affiliate Program
– etc

Source: Change the World as the Body of Christ

My last day at the Allume conference was interesting indeed. After spending the morning in sessions, enjoying lunch and an inspiring keynote speaker, I decided to walk to the CVS down the street to collect some packing tape for the boxes we would send back to Gospel for Asia.
I was looking forward to my walk so that I could take some pictures of the city life in Harrisburg from ground level. Slowly I approached the CVS, discovering that it closed an hour earlier. A little bummed I decided to just walk to the end of the block to get a few more pictures before heading back to the hotel to man the booth. As I was taking pictures of this really cute cafe this couple that was sitting on the steps called me over and proceeded to tell me all the interesting things I could take pictures of in Harrisburg. Which was interesting because I dont normally get people that stop  me on the street and talk to me at length, quite exciting if you ask me.
While I was discussing pictures and arcitecture with the couple, this cute little boy who couldnt have been more than 2 or 3, came up to us and posed for the camera a few times, then his mother came and took him by the hand to lead him in the other direction. Every few steps though, the little boy would turn around and pose again.
A few minutes later I was back on my way taking photos of Harisburg. I saw a few painters painting this brick building red, so I took a few pictures of them. After those pictures, the three ladies sitting outside another cafe asked me if the painters looked safe enough. I said that Im sure they know what the are doing, and went on my way.
Soon I decided I should probably head back to my hotel and started on my way. On the way back i saw a sign with the history of some guy. I took a picture of it and then heard the gu from that first couple call to me from across the street asking if I liked history, then he crossed the street to talk to me more. He told me about the Whig part and a president that was elected at the church down one block, and how that president died and his vice president wasnt part of the Whig party and then they disbanded. It was very interesting, but as he was talking I saw a RiteAid behind him!
After he stopped talking, i asked if i could take a picture of him. Then I headed to the RiteAid for packing tape. When i got the tape, i decided to take a picture of the church the guy was talking about since it was at the end of the block, and this old lady asked if i had some change she could have. I was about to say no when the Lord said to give her something, so i gave her the $5 bill i had in my wallet and smiled at her wishing her a good day. I took a picture of the church then started back to my hotel again.
As i neared the hotel a homeless fellow that i had passed a few times that day asked if i took a picture of the oldest church in Harrisburg that is by the river a few blocks from where we were. I told him that I havent, but I would see if maybe later i could.
Finally back at the hotel, i gave the packing tape to Sara and Rachael and started running through the happenings of my outing. Things like that almost never happen to me, but im so blessed that it did! I loved smiling at people and taking the time to listen to them. Im sure they dont always have people that will stop and treat them like real people, so i was glad the Lord would allow me to be that person that could stop and listen and smile.
Now there were only an hour or two left before my mom would pick me up from Harrisburg to stop by my aunt Kristie’s house to congradulate her on her wedding and then stop by my brother’s calvacade for marching band. So i went upstairs to m room and became a master packer and fit all the millions of free gifts i got at the Allume conference into my carry on suitcase. Then went out to find my mommy in front of the hotel. When i stepped outside there was this homeless guy who wanted to know if i could help him because this store wouldnt let him buy a coke, but i told him that I couldnt help because my mom was there to pick me up.

Talk about an interesting day!

Source: What’s so Interesting about Harrisburg, PA?

Yesterday was a rather interesting day as I travelled with two other GFA staff members to Harrisburg, PA to attend a blogging conference. It started off like any other trip, checking in, going through security, and finding our terminal. Everything was going great, exactly as we planned it.
The first flight to Chicago was quite bumpy and I finished two books that I brought with me, and enjoyed some quiet time with the Lord. When we landed I put my ipod back into the side pocket of my backpack as I always do when I travel. I grabbed my carry on bag and then Rachael, Sara and I found a place we could eat. Which was kinda difficult for me to do in an airport during this detox diet, but I mannaged.
After we ate, we headed to our next gate so that we could fly to Harrisburg in a teensy plane. But when i went to grab my ipod for some tuneage, it wasnt there…
I frantically searched through my bag to no avail. Then I literally ran back to the gate our flight dropped us off at and asked if the flight attendants had found an ipod. The guy behind the counter was very nice and did everything thatbhe could to help me, but it wasnt there. So i received the phone number for the AA Chicago lost and found, and I ran back to my gate.
This whole time I am praying “Lord please let me find it…let it not be stolen, and help me to understand why this happened.”
We loaded onto the next flight and Sara let me play games on her ipod, and then we landed. When we went to baggage claim to pick up Sara abd Rachaels bags, Rachaels hadnt arrived. It was still in Chicago but would be delivered the next day at the Hilton Harrisburg where we are staying.
So we go to walmart to get Rachael some PJ pants, and pick up some foods that i can eat so i dont starve. And then we try to find the Hilton Harrisburg, took ud a while to find the parking place, and it was super ghetto.
We get checked in and then get to our hotel rooms. The beds are super comfy and across the street you can see buisness people having a meeting at midnight. We waved but they didnt see us.
So far it has been an interesting adventure, and i look forward to seeing how God will move in this conference, if He will return my ipod, and if i will continue to have good nights of rest🙂
These beds are super comfy!

Ill try to keep you all posted on the conference.

Source: Travelling to the Allume Conference

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted anything on here. Let me catch you up on some recent happenings in my life the past month or so. Starting off with a recent picture of me!

Yes, I’ve grown a hideous nose and have been working on that mustache for quite some time now. Looks great right?!

Part 1 – Tim Zink:

One of the most exciting things to happen to me is the introduction to a new chapter in my life. Courtship. There is this amazing guy who was in my school of discipleship class back in 2009. He had apparently been praying about courting me for 2.5 years before I found out, and had already gone to leadership for permission/advice and had been told to wait. We have been best friends since the SD year, yet I had NO idea that he liked me. Either I’m clueless, or he is just really good at hiding things.
So I found out he liked me and I kinda freaked out. Thinking that this could ruin our friendship and I didn’t want to lose him as a friend and brother. I also didn’t like him like that. I took this news to my mentor and she prayed with me and asked me to go, pray and fast about this. She said to not have a “yes” or “no” in mind, but be okay with whatever answer the Lord gave.
I did so and was praying for the Lord’s will in this situation. After a while I didn’t really want the answer to be “no” because I was starting to like him too! So I started praying for the Lord to change his heart so this whole situation would be settled. After all, it’s a really big decision and I didn’t want to mess up anything between us.
After a while the Lord just kept confirming time and time again that He was in this relationship, since the beginning, and has been preparing us for courtship with each other. Soon, he discovered that I liked him too, and so we went back to leadership, they prayed about it, and gave us the go ahead, and now we have been happily courting since August 29th.
I also will be going to spend Thanksgiving with him and his family in Florida! Even though it’ll be way warmer than I’m used to for a Thanksgiving, I’m still looking forward to meeting his family and building relationships.🙂

my mom came to visit and took this picture of me and Tim

Part 2 – Detox/Elimination Diet:

A few of my friends and I have decided to embark on an interesting journey of hunger and no caffeine. We have started the Detox/Elimination diet. It starts off with two hard days of only drinking green smoothies, then a week of very few veggies, fruits, and rice, slowly after that we can add stuff back in to see if we are intolerant to anything that we add in. So far I’ve had more energy, but have also been sick most of the time. This diet is supposed to last till December 4th, but it’s really tough! Thankfully we can start to add in real foods soon, and last night was the first dinner that actually looked like a real meal, vegan chilli! Yum. I’ll let ya know how it goes as the weeks progress.
Part 3 – Colonial Grand at Hebron:

I’ve moved apartments! From a third floor to another third floor apartment, but this is a big improvement. Not only is this apartment within walking distance from the office, but it’s in the same apartment complex as Tim and the rest of my friends, I’ve gained a roomie, the apartments are “luxiary” apartments and reeeeeally nice, there’s great amenities, and it’s right next to Sprouts! I’d say it’s a winner!

Part 4 – Camping:

I went camping this past weekend with a HUGE group of Gospel for Asia staff peoples and their families. It was a marvelous time spent in the great outdoors. We played Horseshoes, had fellowship, napped in hammocks, froze at night, saw all the beautiful stars, there was a camp fire, we took a hike to the lake and skipped stones and walked a bit, played guitar, had fellowship with the Lord in His creation… it was an amazing time🙂

A group of GFA staff members went camping this past weekend at Eisenhower state park

Part 5 – Marriage!

My aunt Kristie got married recently and I’d say it’s a great catch on her part, and on his. Happy times indeed, welcome to the family Jeremy🙂

Jeremy and Kristie, don’t they look happy!

This is Jeremy and Kristie with their four beautiful children. Such a happy family!

That’s pretty much all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for catching up! I’ll keep you posted on any new developments and hopefully post more often than I have been. Have a great day!

Source: A Courtship has Occurred, Change is Happening

Recently my friend Sieka and I were going to hang out at our friend’s house after work and just chill. A seemingly simple task right? Well, it didn’t quite turn out the way we expected, but I think it was better that way.

After work we had decided to take her car to the store, pick up some super healthy ramen, head over to our friend’s house and eat it there, then just hang out the rest of the evening. We got to her car, and our plans were changed right then and there, as she went to turn her key in the ignition, it wouldn’t budge. Her car was locked, we tried everything from holding in the brake pedal, to turning the steering wheel while trying to turn the key, but nothing worked. Eventually we called our friend Kevin who knows cars better than most people I know, and even he couldn’t fix it! So, we decided to just take my car instead.

We head over to my apartment, so we can change out of work attire and into comfy clothes. As we get to my door, on the third floor of the apartment complex, I discover that I left my house key on my desk at work, behind a locked Web Department door. So instead of changing, I drop Sieka off at Kroger to pick up the food as I drive 10 mins back to the office to retrieve my key.

As I get to Gospel for Asia, I realized that my fob, to get into the building, is with my housekey behind the locked Web Department door (and the key to get into Web is with the housekey as well). So I call Sieka, and at this point we just laugh at this interesting adventure that our simple journey turned out to be. Thankfully she left her purse in my car when I dropped her off at Kroger, and her fob was in her purse. So I took her fob, let myself in the building, tracked down Uncle Keith who opened the Web Department door, grabbed my keys, locked the Web door, drove back to Kroger, picked up Sieka, drove back to my apartment and changed, and then FINALLY we arrive at our friend’s place with a rather exciting story to share.

Overall I am glad that I had Sieka with me, would have been very frustrating to go through alone. And this way we are building memories as our friendship continues to grow.🙂

Source: That Took Longer Than Expected

It was a happy reunion indeed when our dear, long-lost roommate showed up in the grand state of Texas to bless and surprise those serving at Gospel for Asia. Three years ago, on August 15, 2009 seven students arrived for Gospel for Asia’s School of Discipleship program. Twas a year of intense growth for the students, and at the end of the year four stayed on to join staff, one lived there anyways, and the other two went their separate ways.

Last time Chantelle visited we had grand plans to create a music video like old times sake. For the Bonsai girls loved creating videos… sadly, time slipped by and she was back on a plane to Florida and the plan for wonderful videos was lost. This time however, the night before she was to leave, we gathered together and created a music video.

So, I introduce to you, our evil plan to save the world.

My Evil Plan to Save the World – by Five Iron Frenzy

Source: My Evil Plan to Save the World

Way back in my preschool days my mom was in college. So I went to a preschool called the Montessori School, and I didnt want my mommy to leave. So we came up with a goodbye solution that would get me through the day till she came to pick me up again.

I still remember the path I would take from our hug at the door to the small window where i could see her at the car. Then we would motion back and forth ” I love you 1″ “I love you 2” all the way up till 10.

This tradition has continued even to this day, and we have gotten pretty creative in our motions🙂

Anyways, just wanted to share the special memory with you all. I love my mommy 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.🙂

Source: To my Mommy: Preschool Goodbyes