A White Christmas in Texas

This Christmas was a memerable one spent with my friends and ‘family’ in Texas. Yes, I missed my family in PA, but as far as Christmases go, I would say this hits the top 10.

There was time for our friend group to exchange gifts and fellowship over wonderful baked goods. The first snow of the year occured on Christmas afternoon, blessing us with a white Texas Christmas. Fun gifts were recieved and given. The Christmas story was told starting in John 18 when Jesus shares in His own words why He was born, and then continued in Matthew where He was born in a manger. Games were played, memories were made, families missed but since we are blessed with Skype we were able to see them and smile and spread love, a sleep over occurred, and Jesus was glorified.

Below are a few pictures from my iPhone of some of the festivities. If you want to see more legit ones, check out my Facebook sometime soon, I will be uploading them tomorrow.🙂

Merry Christmas! Cant believe how fast it came and was gone, and how fast this whole year of 2012 flew by.











Source: A White Christmas in Texas