Different Levels of Trust

I have learned that after I study someone for a while, I begin to expect the same things from them. But when they do something unexpected, it can sometimes throw me through a loop and I have to rethink whether or not I can trust them still. Lately, some things have been happening that I was not expecting. I can’t go into a lot of detail, but these things were pretty big in my life.
This makes me think. What is trust exactly? Dictionary.com says that “trust” is “reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. Confident expectation of something; hope. A person on whom or thing on which one relies.” But how does this play out in my life?
Well, I think there are different “levels” of trust that I give to certain people in my life. There’s my trust in the Lord, where even when things don’t exactly go my way, or something happens that I wasn’t expecting, I will look to His promises and know He is growing me ever closer to Himself through ALL things that happen in my life. This kind of trust is indefinite, will not fail, because I can trust the Lord knows what’s best for my life. He knows the beginning and end anyways! Who am I to question that?
Another level would be the trust I have in those whom I submit myself to. Those in authority in my life. That would be Tim, leadership here at GFA, and my Mommy. These are people who the Lord has placed in my life as an “umbrella” of sorts to protect me from stupid decisions I might make on my own. Though, this is the kind of trust that I tend to struggle with most. Because these people are human, I know they can make mistakes, and so it’s hard to listen and believe them at the drop of a hat like I would with the Lord. This is probably the one level of trust that when broken or when unexpected things happen, bitterness can creep into the easiest.
The remaining levels of trust would be the trust I have in my friends, and the trust others have in me. Please pray for me as I combat bitterness head on and that it won’t take part in my relationships with others. God knows what He’s doing, even when I’m confused.

Source: Different Levels of Trust