Fascination with Eye Color

I was thinking last night while talking to Josh, who was visiting with us during a business trip, about how I love eyes. They are the first thing I notice about a person and I am fascinated with both the color, as well as the emotion visible in them. When I was younger I used to love blue eyes because they were so clear, and there was a lot of emotion to be seen in them. But I also found that the different shades of blue had a very different effect on me. Light blue eyes were rather intimidating because I felt the person could see right through me and it was impossible to hide from their gaze. Deep blue eyes would make me smile and I’d feel “safer” around that person because there was a genuineness to their gaze.

Green eyes reminded me of my step-dad and myself, and it was rare that I saw them in someone else. So I didn’t really pay much attention to them, because after all, I could just look in the mirror and see green eyes.

Brown eyes reminded me of my mom and bro, and really my entire family, so I never really took time to study them because they were so familiar to me.

Now people’s whose eyes would change color were a bit more interesting because you never knew what color they would be. Mine for the first 16 years of my life, or so, my eyes would change from blue to green depending on what I wore and the day. Now they’ve settled to different shades of greens and sometimes a greyish color.

But then I met Tim. He has brown eyes, yet they hold so much emotion. More emotion than I thought brown eyes held. They are softer than blue eyes and therefore make me feel safe. But not all brown eyes have this effect on me, only the eyes of those I’m most comfortable with. And so, I have enjoyed studying his eyes, and last night while I was looking at Josh and Patrick, and their blue eyes, I had no fascination with them like I used to have with blue eyes, but rather, I more enjoyed watching Tim’s eyes and the little inflections of emotion that would occur in them.

I’m not sure if I’d go as far as to say brown eyes are now my favorite color of eye, but I definitely now have a new appreciation for all colors of eyes.

What is your favorite color eye?

Source: Fascination with Eye Color