This past weekend I had an amazing time at the gun range with some friends of mine. I forgot how fun it is to shoot guns and actually take time to work on my aim. Unfortunately I wasnt able to shoot my ww2 russian mosin nagat rifle because the range doesnt allow full metal jacket rifle ammunition, but the others guns I was able to shoot were fun!
My Walther P38 was a pretty accurate shot, need to get a new magazine though because the spring is kinda older in the current one. Which makes sense since it was actually used in ww2. 9mm
Tim’s 1911 was fun to shoot too, even tried one handed and still got a bullseye! Its a .45 caliber
Alex’s shotgun was probably my favorite to shoot. Did both skeet shooting and fired it once with a slug. I think the shot gun is my favorite because of the kickback you get from it. The slug made me have to take a step back because of the power behind it. Fun times. I think it was a 12 gauge
Steward’s revolver was interesting. Ive never really been a fan of revolvers, but was interesting to shoot it. Not sure what kind it was. Other than it was .22 caliber.
Looking forward to the next time we go shooting, but I will need to get some more ammunition first… On to the next gun show!
Source: At The Range Again