Las Vegas: From Where I was Standing (day 4)

Today started off with waking up from a great night sleep, and I wasn’t sick anymore! Made me excited to head out with Tom to the full fay of conferences at Caesar’s Palace. It was a lot of the same information, and I was finally understanding what was going on with all the email lingo. I even met some people and smiled and talked, as opposed to when I wasn’t feeling well and was trying to not have a coughing/sneezing fit on people.
As Tom and I walked around the lunch room at the conference trying to visit each of the booths, we collected some free goodies to bring back to Texas. Everything from mints, bouncy balls, inflatable dinosaurs, to bright orange sunglasses. After our looooong lunch period, we had a one-on-one meeting with a professional to talk about the layout of our weekly digest. Trying to figure out how to optimize it enough that will resonate with the prospect (person receiving the email) so that they will read it all and click through to the landing page. We got some good feedback on it, and will be doing some case studies of our own once we get back to Texas.
After the one-on-one meeting, we had the last leg of the main conference (tomorrow is when we take yet another test to become certified professional email marketers, not sure the difference between the two tests). Was a great conference, and I learned a lot. I also figured out that there is a LOT that I have to change and implement when I get back to the office.
Once the conference was finished we met with a few people as the booths were being torn down, and then headed back to our delicious smelling chocolate restaurant to eat dinner. When we were there our waiter looked like a younger Jim Carrey, and was kinda flirty. He pretty much watched me and Tom as we ate the entire time, and was very attentive. And he would try to make eye contact with me and smile and such. It’s hard to be nice and smile at people, yet not lead them on when they’re acting like that.
After dinner we headed back to the hotel and I was glad to find that the walk back was a lot more tame than the night before. I was also recording the walk from the hotel to the conference center on the way there in the morning, and then took another video of our walk back at night. That way I can create a video of the walk so that people can see first hand what happened, and the difference between the Strip at night, and the strip in the morning.
Once back at the hotel we packed our bags and I took a shower and went to bed. Thus ending the fourth day of my journey in Vegas. Tune in next time for my last day’s adventure. 🙂

Source: Las Vegas: From Where I was Standing (day 4)