Last few days of being 20

I’m not sure whether to be happy or something else about my birthday coming up. Should I be excited? Typically people get excited for their birthday to come around, they enjoy the gifts, the attention, the hugs, and birthday wishes. Showing them that they are indeed loved and cared for. For me though, I don’t get those “warm fuzzies” when people recognize that it’s my birthday, or nearing that day. Is it because I don’t like getting attention? Do I just not like the fact that it takes a birthday to get that attention? Maybe it is the same reason why I’m not a big fan of most holidays…

I don’t like having to need an excuse to do something nice for someone. An excuse to celebrate. Why wait for a holiday to show someone they are loved? Why wait till Christmas to rejoice in our Savior that came to DIE for the world? Why use a birthday to recognize someone you love and care about? Shouldn’t we live everyday as thought it’s our last? Live for the Lord and not care about the future? Not letting a friend slip by without knowing that you love them? Serving others because of the love of the Lord in our lives?

Maybe it’s just me. But that’s how I feel. I’m not against my birthday, I do find it weird that I’m almost 21, but I’m not against it. I’m just not a fan of people feeling obligated to do something for me because it was the day I happened to be born. I don’t know… it just feels weird…

But I’m not against those who do enjoy birthdays and holidays. And I’ll say a pre-thank you to those who do have plans, and to those who want to do something special. Thank you for your love. I do appreciate it.

Anyway.. I’ll stop now.

Source: Last few days of being 20